Wednesday 17 August 2011

First things First Im very New

Hello This is my blog that you seem to have found well I have no Idea about blogging just thought I would put that out in the open I dont even read any (Im thinking about starting to though) Im just going to post my Day to Day life im not anywhere special like on a trip to australia im just in my bedroom still in my pyjamas just writing cause i thought it would be fun. O kay about me and what I may talk about on this BLOG:
Arsenal - Yes I am a Gunner as u may already know from my name so i may talk about/post things like their latest scores
Anime - Im watching anime at the moment and im loving it im currently on the latest episode of bleach and Naruto iv watched Full Metal Alchemist and the Devil May cry anime at the moment my Favourite is Bleach
Whatever - I will be posting Whatever really if something funny happened in my life if im doing something

So yea just thought I would put some of my interests in their I also have a youtube channel which I am trying to post stuff but i never know what to post. I usually just post random stuff that I make but im thinking about starting a sort of vlog/show thing its called 2 way convo iv got a sort of first episode on my channel but im still getting used to it

Link to my Channel -

XLGT - luigi300

I hope you enjoyed reading this post there will be more to come any Feedback is helpful so until then "keep on trollin" - RayWilliamJohnson

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